Monday, March 14, 2011


Once a time
The first time we met
I know that is a kinda stranger feeling
Don’t wonder who you are?

We all come from different world
But we met together
But we knew each other
Each of us is the unique one

Hoping my love
Hoping your love
Can hold through the difficult time
Where time always testing for our friendship
When will our ship will been sink into bottom sea
Hopeful not the end it

Where the time the bond of memory connect us
Under the same sky we breath along
Someday we gone
Find the differ path of our life
Praying our friendship will never be lost

Maybe someday we met on the street
Maybe its has been passed many years
Maybe all of us couldn’t be recognized
 Hoping for the destiny
Let’s us met again

Written by L (14/3/2011)

This is a song that I written ,this song for the who I met and left where  in the University. I’m staying in the university for four years long period, most of my friends only three years study in the university , I will be seeing them left the university before me. So this has aspire me ,to write a song for my memories friends who will leave first! The world is so big, ever in our own country is still difficult to meet once again with the long lost old friend. I’m hoped that the memories between us will never end on the date we left….

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